

Spycht guides you back to solid land with the follow-up to Amanna.  Secreta Roi is a rough crash in a new world. Somewhere above the hills was an egress, a gate, an entryway allowing access to something new.  There is no going back now that you have witnessed both ends of the void.  Tread slowly.  This familiar landscape still holds many surprises.

Mastered @ Anomalistic Records

Written by Spycht

Artwork by Martika LyleAlbum Merchandise

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From the depths of the Slovenian coal miners valley comes the tale of human struggle – interstellar gulag, an imprisonment on our planet in a vast empty space, and imprisonment in our own minds. The struggle that is unavoidable no matter what, but yet we have the power and perseverance to see beauty and make our experience worthwhile.



Ekimskrid Presents: SKRIDMARKS Vol.1 – “No No…I’m Fine”

We have all been there… Sitting on the edge of the void.
Staring off into infinite. Surrounded by soundwaves.
Ascending out of chaos and into a state of bliss.
When a Hand touches your shoulder.
You look over and connect eyes with the person and they ask, “Are you okay?”
“No No… I’m Fine.”

01. CINDERVOMIT – Figures in the Mist
02. YOSHUA EM – Egocentrism
03. OROBORO – Space Cats
04. OBLIUM – Cricket Larsen
05. Mirror ME – The High Pitched Tone That Takes Us All Away
06. COSMIC WIZARD – Casual Abduction
07. SAMYAZA – Logistics
08. PRIAPIZZM – Eschaton
09. SANATHANA – Raaga Rageshwari
10. Luuli – Symphony for the Flawed


Compiled by Ekimskrid
Mastered by Oblium at Optinervear Studio
Released by Anomalistic Records
Artwork by Ekimskrid

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Next up on cue, ready to hit play, and get you blasted. COSMIC WIZARD : Altered States.
In the words of the artist he so humbly states “its just a gift for my existence from me to the universe”
I really could not have said it any better myself and i get the chills at the realness and gratitude that Carlos displays in the intent behind this album. His intent and authenticity surely shows itself in the music. Cosmic Wizard delivers track after track of ego shrinking, brain upgrading, audio medicine for all you ear-hungry psychedelic explorers of the realms beyond the material world. Cosmic Wizard is nothing short of “magical madness form outer space”… I can only speculate that he is here because Earths atmosphere allows us the rare opportunity in the universe for sound to even exist as it does not exist in the vacuum of outer space. Cosmic Wizard is here on a mission .. to deliver to you these therapeutic communications from worlds beyond all our comprehension except his own. Lets fucking rock!

Art – Eos Otherre
Design – Acidevil
Master – Cindervomit


01-Human beings
02-Int out(108bpm)
03-Evil call (154bpm)
04-Call to the blondie (186bpm)
05-Altered States (186-196)
06-Wakamaya(Cosmic wizard & Nykronds)- No Pinches madness (177bpm)
07-Stranger in da galaxy Ku (181bpm)

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The phrase Space Music often implies New Age music. While the general definition of space is metaphorical, our compilation focuses on works that show some direct real space inspiration. The Space Age is a time period encompassing the activities related to space exploration & space technology that captured the imagination of much of the world’s population. Music shapes the universe and mankind has always had a sense of wonder and has always been curious about outter & inner space. It’s something that’s implanted in us. It’s natural to want to explore and discover. The idea of using music as an aid for this space mission is to facilitate the ability to explore deeper into space. We are space and whatever we use as a key; music, mythology, science, mathematics or astronomy; We are all working to decode the mystery of creation, searching for our deepest roots. So prepare to take off on an exploration on the anomalistic spaceship.



01. Samyaza & Luuli – Mountain Fun Time – 147 BPM
02. PsyRen – Kismet – 150 BPM
03. Fractal Spin – Dippy Hippy – 152 BPM
04. Dark Kapo – Multi Shakti – 157 BPM
05. Malinalli _ Psychedelic – Seize The Silence – 154 BPM
06. Maleficarvm – Secretum – 157 BPM
07. KanibaL HolokausT – Goblin Dance – 165 BPM
08. Zamurah – Signal Interference – 165 BPM
09. Aum Sector – The Only World – 166BPM
10. Synthetic Forest – Ancient Cosmos – 169 BPM
11. Hector Miller – Nystagamus – 173 BPM
12. Plasma Force – A Fallen Angel (Erebvs Remix) – 192 BPM
13. Yata-Garasu – Neferpitou – 200 BPM
14. Manik Buluk – Human Xenomorphs – 200 BPM
15. Phsiris – Gravy Pie in the sky – 177 BPM
16. Sepheraka – Astronomy – 200 BPM
17. CinderVomit – The Ritual 190BPM

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Fluid elements can be defined as an infinitesimal region of the fluid continuum in isolation from its surroundings. Two types of forces exist on fluid elements. Body Force: distributed over the entire mass or volume of the element. It is usually expressed per unit mass of the element or medium upon which the forces act.

Artwork by:Trilochana (Ashtak singh)
Mastered by: CinderVomit
Compiled by: Sepehraka


01.Darkophonic Temple Vs Sepehraka – Dance is Active Meditation
02.Moondoggy – Glimpse of the paradise that shines through the cracks of your pathological reality
03.Dawood – Special Relativity
04.Cosmogonia – Soul
05.Gurgamesh – Bubbles
06.Priapizzm – What I brought TO World bridge
07.Mergel – For Lovers Of DMC4
08.Xochiquetzalli – 1st lesson Music & Dance
09.Audiosyntax – 15857341
10.Tazmanics – Aria Sensis
11.Oroboro – I-Ching-Shang-Schong
12.Khorshid – Shebereh Tunga
13.Yuppi & Master Zen- Fuck u Up
14.Unfug – E23
15.Mirror ME – A Quiet Love
16.Paranoiac – Todo se movió
17.Infra – Interdimensional launch 7.7
18.Maleficium – Liquid Freq
19.CinderVOMIT – Dreams Of A Better Tomorrow
20.Plankton – Midst Of Chaos

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The lifeway of the shaman must be nearly as old as human consciousness, predating the earliest human civilization by many millennia.Think of the past as really existing in the physical world, with human beings living their lives and interacting with one another and their environment much as we do today. We must also realize that the world of the shaman was very different from our own. Considering They processed their interconnections freely by Necromantic/common Rituals in a space that no governance system was defined like nowadays.

Shamanism is a path of opening the heart, creating a doorway that leads to traveling into hidden realms.which, the shaman(spiritual healer) gains knowledge and the power to heal by entering into the spiritual world or dimension. Even though shamanism is an ancient practice it is obligatory on all, who are restricted by the flawed and bounded system, seek the ways to live a life filled with harmony, good health, and returning balance and peace back to their lives and to the mother planet,earth.

We must ask ourselves a series of questions:

“ Where is our world headed?”

“ In what direction is all of humanity as a civilization, as a single collective intelligence and as an intelligent species—in what direction are we headed?”

“ What paradigm, ideology, or social structure will shape the near future of humanity?”

“ What will replace post-industrial consumer society?”

Neo-humanity as the future of human civilization in the third millennium, will be an enormous collective intelligence (noosphere), which will number millions and billions of leading members of the human race who will voluntarily join its ranks. It will be a complex, self-organized, open society of universal progress, evolution, and synergism. In terms of values, ideology, mentality, and economics, neo-humanity will be oriented toward development, toward moving forward, toward growth in the scale of its goals and the comprehensiveness of its projects

The growth in humanity’s power inevitably makes it necessary for every individual to take on a new level of responsibility, given that a single neo-human(neo-shaman) will be able to wield power and capabilities currently possessed by a modern army of a large government. Such responsibility cannot be called into being in a single instant and cannot be created administratively, by order. It can only be nurtured, encouraging a person’s spiritual growth, which would awaken the higher aspects of consciousness: inner purity, beauty, compassion, love for all living things, harmony, living not for oneself but for others, the ability to serve for the good of society, sacrifice, devotion.

One can nurture such qualities in oneself by way of serious spiritual and ethical labor on oneself, means that the new society of the future, apart from the technologies, will be built on high principles of spiritual growth, on high morals and high-level ethics.

so we would like to present to you Anomalistic latest VA-(Homologous civilizations) in activation of our purposive collective psyche.


VA Homologous Civilizations
Compiled by Far Noosh
Mastering by CinderVOMIT (tracks 1,2,3,5,6,7)
Track 4 Mastering by Paranoiac
[Anomalistic Records]


01 – CinderVOMIT – Dark Matter Eater Hole
02 – Xochipilli – Duality
03 – Maramba – Deep Into
04 – Paranoiac – Chasing Monsters
05 – Oroboro – Stechapfel
06 – Nechropsycho – The Gates Running Life
07 – ShamoOrtee – Sigitama Oudus

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Varaboro – Alpha to Omega

All compositions by Marci and Robin
Mastering by Anomalistic Studios

01. Mother of Everything
02. Schonberg on Fire
03. Rave
04. Symmetrical Tribalica
05. Life
06. Cantare
07. The End Feat The Doors
08. Pipe (feat Audio Syntax

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Hyakki Yagyō! is a series of releases featuring collaborations between Priapizzm and a collection of artists from around the world. Each track is named after a different Yōkai, ancient monsters from Japanese mythology. For Volume One, we have assembled artists from Japan, Costa Rica, and the United States. These five tracks fall loosely on the “foresty” side of trance, although as always with Priapizzm, genre is not a major consideration. We hope you enjoy!

Art by: Ricardo Mack @ Plague Studio
Mastered by: David Chaim Cohen @ Xexify
Released by: Irori Music


1. Priapizzm and Kaoji – Ikiryō
2. Shiibashunsuke and Priapizzm – Medama Oyaji
3. Priapizzm and Greenix – Hyakume
4. Priapizzm and Samyaza – Chimi
5. Priapizzm and Transiant & Jagno Gaia – Shirime

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